Interdisciplinary Art Education (including technology)
Inclusive/Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning
(upcoming) Using Digital Devices for. Geo-Photography, WAEA Annual Conference
Correspondence Through Collage, Creative Imperatives, UW-La Crosse
Scaffolding Ideas to Cultivate Studio Habits for Young Children in Montessori, Montessori Conference, La Crosse, WI
The State of Art (Invited Panelist), Creative Imperatives, UW-La Crosse
Artist Talk, The Art of Collage II (virtual event), Frank Juarez Gallery, Milwaukee, WI
Painting with Chocolate & K-12 Art Integration, Western Wisconsin Education Conference (WWEC), La Crosse, WI
The Art of Chocolate, WAEA Annual Conference
Feminist Art [R]evolution!, Creative Imperatives, UW-La Crosse
2020 Bernhagen, M., Smith, S., & Sonnek, A. (2020). Testing Creative Lines of Inquiry in the Art Classroom (1244678340 922825607 L. M. Lenarz, Ed.). Journal of Undergraduate Reserach,XXIII.
2018/2019 Lenarz, L. M., Lamme, S., & Brogan, M. (Dec 2018/ Jan 2019). Artistic Endeavors. Educational Leadership; The Arts and Creativity,76 (No. 4), 68-72.